CT scan or Computed tomography is a technique developed to enable the clinicians to see the internal organs of the body. The CT scan uses a computer and several X Rays to make an image of the bones, organs, tissues, and other internal parts of the body. The CT scan creates a clear and detailed picture of the internal parts of the body. In the CT scan, a beam of X-Ray revolves around a particular part of the body whose scan has to be done. Thus, many images of distinct angles of the body are formed. The computer forms a collaboration of these images to form a complete picture of the part of the body. The images formed can be in two and three dimensions.
Radiology Center at Harding performs distinct kinds of CT scan. Along with this, screening of full body, and cancer of the lungs can be done at the radiology center. The radiologists and the staff at the center are certified and trained to perform the different kinds of scan efficiently. In addition, the staff is well equipped with the expertise of the equipment and the machines used.
• The patient is asked not to eat anything few hours prior to getting his or her CT scan done. However, the patients can consume clear liquids.
• The patient should inform the doctor about his ongoing therapy or any sort of medication. Also, the patient should inform the doctor if they have any kind of allergy from any of the contrast media.
• The patient is asked to change their clothes before getting their Computed tomography scan done. They will be provided with their specific lockers at Radiology Center at Harding to keep all their belongings safely in it.
Why choose Radiology Center at Harding for getting your CT scan done?
Radiology Center at Harding is one of the best CT scan centers in Morristown. At Radiology Center at Harding, the professionals use GE Optima scanner, which can perform all kinds of scans. In addition, the doctors also perform screening at Radiology Center at Harding. They provide full body screening and screening of lung cancer. Along with this, the doctors can also find the levels of cardiac calcium in the body.
The professionals keep themselves updated with the latest technologies and keep themselves equipped with the knowledge of the latest techniques. They provide a high level of medicinal assessment to their patients with their long years of experience. Along with this, the staff provides excellent service to the customers and patients and also renders efficient facilities. The skilled and proficient doctors perform the Computed tomography scan with utmost responsibilities and proper care.
The advanced technology provides an accurate and detailed picture of the internal parts of the body. Along with this, the CT scan and the excellent services are provided at affordable costs. Moreover, the patients do not need to make the bookings beforehand. They can get their CT scan done at their preferable time and also, emergency appointments are given major importance.
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