An ultrasound uses a high-frequency sound wave, which when reflects with the internal organs of the body, delivers an image of that part of the body. The most common usage of ultrasound can be found during the time of pregnancy. The finest part about the ultrasounds is that they are completely harmless to our body as they don’t use any kind of radiations. What they use is high-frequency sound waves, and those waves are not at all harmful to our body. Apart from evaluating fetal developments, ultra-scans are also used to detect problems like liver, kidney, heart or abdomen. The image that they provide is known as a sonogram.
Some basic facts about ultrasound scans
- Ultrasounds are quite safe to use, and they are widely used as well.
- Majority of times, they are used to determine the progress during the time of pregnancy.
- Several diagnosis and treatments are also done with the help of ultrasounds.
- Before going for an ultrasound scan, you don’t have to go through any kind of special type of preparation.
The concept of ultrasound
The person, who conducts the process of ultrasound, is known as a sonographer and the images are interpreted by cardiologists, radiologists or any kind of other specialists. While doing an ultrasound scan, the sonographer holds a handheld, wand-like device named transducer, which the sonographer places in the skin of the patient.
The sound from the ultrasound travels through the soft fluids and tissues and after that it bounces back after getting reflected on the denser surfaces. In this way, an ultrasound creates images. The term ultrasound refers to the sound, which has a frequency that cannot be heard by the human ears. In case of diagnostic purposes, the frequency range of ultrasound varies from 2 to 28 Megahertz. You must be thinking that higher frequencies of sound will provide you with the better quality of images, but the fact is the higher frequency will be instantly absorbed by the skin as well as other tissues.
How an image is captured by an ultrasound scan
Let us present with you an example to make you understand the concept of how ultrasound scan generates an image. Well, if you are doing an ultrasound scan of your heart, the sound will flow through the blood present in your heart chamber but if it hits any of the valves; it will just bounce back or echo.
Well, the rate of bounce back of the ultrasound depends on the density of the object. The denser the object, the more it will bounce back.
Different types of transducers used in the ultrasound scan
Well, most of the times, the transducers are placed at the surface of the skin but there are several transducers that are placed internally on the body. Let us know about the different internal transducers:
- Endovaginal transducer
- Endorectal transducer
- Transesophageal transducer
So, this is how ultrasound works, and this is all that you need to know about the ultrasound. And if you want to experience the finest quality of Ultrasound, Radiology Center at Harding is the place for you, which is residing at Morristown, New Jersey.
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